Dear Class:
Please copy/paste [YOU MAY HAVE TO POST SEVERAL TIMES TO GET THIS DONE, BUT IT'S OK TO DO THAT] your Special Educator Interview for this posting. Feel free to offer comments to your peers if you so wish. I look forward to reading about your experiences with interviewing an educator who is out in the trenches 'doing this stuff ' everyday, regardless of what we have to say about it.
We can talk/read/post/write about how to teach all day long, but there is nothing to suffice for being the one in the trenches: always remember and respect that: respect that of any teacher and that respect will come back to you when you're the one in the classroom.
I have enjoyed reading your postings on fleshing through the ins and outs of special education. Hopefully, you will walk away with the knowledge that we are all human beings with feelings, emotions and mental faculties; that students are human beings that will be entrusted to your classrooms, and when the Almighty Door is shut to your classroom, what will you really do? Will you afford all students that chance at humanity regardless of what you think, what you believe and what you've been told? I hope and pray so. Good luck to you.
Dr. Herring