Welcome to Week 4's posting on students with communication disorders. An audio of the chapter has been provided. For the chapter audio, ignore references in the audio to week numbers, dates, chapter numbers, page numbers, assignments, the discussion board,names...thank you. The core of the audio speaks to the current chapter topic in your edition of the text book. https://edocs.uis.edu/jherr3/www/TEP224F2010/TEP224Ch4.mp3 .
Chapter 7 addresses the following questions on teaching students with communication disorders. What are communication disorders? What signs should you look for in students with communication disorders? What are some classroom strategies for accommodating students with communication disorders? Why is it important to consider a student's cultural, dialectic and/or whether or not they learned English as a second language (being careful not to label such students as having a communications disorder due to these factors)?
Communication Disorders refers to difficulties with the transfer of knowledge, ideas, opinions, and feelings (Vaughn, et al.). Since schooling is based on speaking and listening behaviors, students who suffer with communication disorders are very easily identified if they are not operating at the expectations of age-appropriate behaviors. Students with this disorder usually manifest it in at least one of three areas: speech, hearing and language. Speech and language disorders are discussed in chapter 7. Speech disorders refer to challenges with voice articulation, fluency and/or quality. Language disorders refer to developmental delays in receptive and/or expressive language.
Recognizable Signs of Communication Disorders Students with communication disorders are easily recognizable in the classroom. Early education teachers are especially in a position to spot these disorders as students are learning speech sounds. According to the text, 10% of boys and girls exhibit signs of communications disorders in elementary school.. If a student is having problems articulating, making articulation errors, then it is possible that the student needs further speech services (see page for specific articulation errors).
My husband and I adopted our oldest daughter at the age of two months. She did not begin talking in complete sentences until she was two years old. She attended a Catholic school beginning in kindergarten where it was noted that she was having communications problems, however the school did not provide the services she needed and I allowed her to attend the school again in 1st grade (of course part of this was due to my being in total denial). By second grade, I enrolled her in the neighborhood school: the problems persisted (not paying attention, blank stare when you ask her a question, not answering when you ask her a question). At that time, we had a complete psychological work up done on her and she was diagnosed as having "inconclusive ADD", along with needing the services of a speech pathologist. She received those services through twelfth grade and they benefited her immensely. Early recognition by knowledgeable teachers is a great benefit to such children, especially when caretakers/parents do not want to hear such. The earlier the problem is identified the better for the child in terms of length of intervention and success in the general education classroom.
Considering a student's cultural, dialectic and English as a second language background Students who are just learning the English language may not be candidates for speech disorders, they are simply learning a new language! Some students' cultures may explain the uniqueness in their approach to the English language also. How students communicate verbally can be a result of their cultural upbringing and as classroom teachers we must acknowledge and respect that, not 'passing off' such students as having articulation disorders. For example, in the following article discussing low context vs. high context cultures, much of the differences between these two cultural upbringings is reflected in they way they each communicate:
A low context culture is one in which things are fully (though concisely) spelled out. Things are made explicit, and there is considerable dependence on what is actually said or written. A high context culture is one in which the communicators assume a great deal of commonality of knowledge and views, so that less is spelled out explicitly and much more is implicit or communicated in indirect ways. In a low context culture, more responsibility is placed on the listener to keep up their knowledge base and remain plugged into informal networks.
In a broad, general sense...Low context cultures may include Anglos, Germanics and Scandinavians. High context cultures may include Africans, Japanese, Arabs and French. (continue reading at: http://www.analytictech.com/mb021/cultural.htm .)
African American students who have been reared in a cultural setting that speak the AAVE dialect may face challenges in the classroom when it comes to speaking in formal English register. Such students may not be candidates for speech therapy, however. They should learn formal English, along with being respected for knowing the dialect of their culture. I always say that I can speak at least two languages fairly well, AAVE and English. I know some Spanish from high school Spanish courses that I have taken, but I can speak both AAVE and English rather fluently! I recommend you visit the Language Varieties website for further reading: http://www.hawaii.edu/satocenter/langnet/.
Classroom Strategies for accommodating students with communications disorders
See Strategies for Teaching Students with Communications Disorder .
For General Strategies
See http://www.as.wvu.edu/~scidis/text/comm.html
Pragmatically Speaking - How to use this information in the classroom:
Pay attention to students' conversation as they are involved in various settings. How do they conversate in your classroom? the hallways? the playground? the lunchroom? Use this informal knowledge of what students are talking about to build into a new lesson or classroom concepts. Make similarity connections to what students already know to help them learn the new content.
Practice 'wait time.' Give students several seconds to respond after asking them a question. Refrain from 'jumping in' to fill up the silence while students are thinking, trying to retrieve the appropriate words. Allow sufficient time for students to speak for themselves!
Only give instructions for an activity or lesson when students are paying attention.
Learn students' names as quickly as possible and use their names when speaking to them .
After reading the chapter, read the following article and post your response [comment] to the questions on the blog. The text talks about language development in children and how there is a three year variance between late and early bloomers. Screenings are usually done around age three. This test was given to 18 mos. old children. The results were mixed. While it proved to be better than other screening tests, it did produce false positives. How early should children be screened for language impairments? How might different factors (SES, family structure, location/geography etc.) play a role in the assessment of language delays or with language development in children?
This course addresses exceptionalities as identified by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). It includes classroom strategies for learning disabilities; attention deficit hyperactivity disorders; emotional and behavioral disorders; communication and pervasive developmental disorders; speech, hearing and vision impairments; giftedness; and managing behaviors.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Week 3 Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders
Welcome to Week 3's posting on students with learning disabilities and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders. An audio of the chapter has been provided. For the chapter audio, ignore references in the audio to week numbers, dates, chapter numbers, page numbers, assignments, the discussion board,names...thank you. The core of the audio speaks to the current chapter topic in your edition of the text book. https://edocs.uis.edu/jherr3/www/TEP224F2010/TEP224Ch6.mp3 .
Chapter 6 covers specific learning disabilities and ADHD/ADD, providing definitions and strategies for working in the classroom with students with these disorders. How does IDEA define a specific learning disability? What are the characteristics of students who have learning disabilities? What are some strategies for teaching students with learning disabilities? What is ADHD/ADD? What are some characteristics of students with ADHD/ADD? What are some strategies for teaching students with ADHD/ADD?
Learning Disabilities has been defined by IDEA as the 'catch-all' term for problems manifested in learning situations associated with "listening, thinking, speaking, reading, writing, spelling or mathematical abilities." These manifested difficulties can not otherwise be associated with cultural influences, gaps or holes in knowledge due to insufficient instruction, or social problems. Students may have other handicapping conditions in addition to a learning disability. The definition further clarifies that learning disabilities may be due to nerve damage and may occur over the life of the student.Students with learning disabilities exhibit challenges with academic endeavors early on, but are not usually identified until 2nd or 3rd grade when aptitude-achievement discrepancies are noted. By the way, as of the IDEA Improvement Act of 2004 the student no longer has to have a discrepancy noted between their aptitude and achievement abilities. Students may otherwise seem to be no different than other students in the classroom, but very quickly began to fall behind due to learning difficulties with classroom content that is easily learned by other students. If students are not reading by 3rd grade, this could point to a clear indication of a specific learning disability. It is now popular to administer an RTI or response to intervention such as a reading intervention; if students do not respond favorably to such interventions then they may be recommended for special education services.
Characteristics of students with learning disabilities: As offered by one school district, the following characteristics are most notable. "Although the disability is not a discrete, measurable entity, evidence over the last 25 years indicates it does exist, but is strikingly resistant to educational intervention:" Although the following characteristics are possible for any student from time-to-time, the learning disabled student demonstrates these with regularity over a period of time
often an invisible handicap
performance is uneven or inconsistent and they are often unable to profit from regular instruction
have inefficient strategies for reception, storage and production of information
major difficulty in focusing attention
functional difficulties in visual, auditory, motor, organizational and/or conceptual skills
often behave in immature, narcissistic, and egocentric ways
often find school a frightening experience
may be able to master content but unable to produce answers
not natural problem solvers, can become overwhelmed by the tasks they face
most serious difficulty is often in processing language (as copied from: http://www.slc.sevier.org/ldaccom.htm )
Strategies for Working with Students with Learning Disabilities. The best practices recommended for students with learning disabilities are also useful for any student in the classroom. For example, the strategies of using think alouds, self-monitoring, advance organizers, extended practice, presenting information in a variety of ways (see page 79), and teaching students to use memory strategies all are useful for any classroom learner, although these certainly should be present if students are struggling with learning disabilities.
ADHD/ADD - ADHD/ADD or Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder/attention deficit disorder are both referenced/classified under ADHD although it is traditional that students classified as ADHD exhibit visible hyperactivity syndromes: nervous body movements, excessive talking, inability to focus on one task for a sustained length of time, for example, whereas students with ADD may be seem to be extremely reserved, quiet and in a day dreamy state in the classroom. Students with ADD many times do not visually seem to have issues with attention as they appear to be model students: appear to be listening to the teacher, appear to be paying attention, appear to be reading, appear to be behaving, engaged in the lesson. The discrepancies between what they appear to be doing however manifests when such students have to produce a paper, read a book, follow directions, study for a test, etc. According to the text, as many as 25 to 68% of students with ADHD also are LD (learning disabled). Most students with ADHD have other behavioral issues as well. Do pay close attention to the Twelve Things teens with ADHD want their Teachers to know. The following websites offer more insight into ADD/ADHD.
Twelve Things teens with ADHD want their teachers to know
Attention Deficit Disorder
Famous People documented with ADHD
Strategies for Teaching Students with ADD/ADHD - Teachers work best with students with ADHD when they combine strategies for both behavioral and academic needs. One without the other will not provide the best intervention for such students. Hopefully, such students in your classroom have been properly diagnosed and provided evaluative and IEP services that will give you the general education classroom teacher some specific guidelines for working with students with ADHD. It is important to realize that an IEP is extremely useful in that it should provide specific strategies for eachn identified child. While one student with ADHD may need organizational assistance with reading content text such as highlighting key words or phrases, another student with ADHD may simply need to be 'cued' to transition to the next classroom activity such as a hand on the shoulder or a tap on the student's desk (something worked out between you and the student that is oblivious to others in the classroom). Below are several websites that offer up-to-date tips, strategies.
Strategies for the Older Child with ADHD
Teaching Tips for those working with ADHD Kids
Pragmatically Speaking - How to use this information in the classroom:
Become very familiar with students with learning disabilities and ADHD issues. Especially become familiar with their individidual IEP's seeking the help of the special education teacher or specialist in how to best help students control their behaviors as well as accomplish academic classroom goals.
It is important to know whether or not students with ADHD are being medically treated and when, what times of the day they are taking the medicine.
Document students' behavior in your classroom as much as possible. Set up a folder on your computer for each student and store/save all electronic information pertaining to the student in it; and/or start a paper folder for each student. This type of teacher-observation documentation is very crucial to the IEP process and consultative special education meetings about the exceptional student.
Ongoing documentation of behaviors, needs, academic progress is of utmost to the success of exceptional students in the general education classroom.
This week you're not required to post comments to this blog, but feel free to do so if you so choose. Some of you may have experience or information to offer that may be beneficial to the rest of us. I welcome all of your comments.
Chapter 6 covers specific learning disabilities and ADHD/ADD, providing definitions and strategies for working in the classroom with students with these disorders. How does IDEA define a specific learning disability? What are the characteristics of students who have learning disabilities? What are some strategies for teaching students with learning disabilities? What is ADHD/ADD? What are some characteristics of students with ADHD/ADD? What are some strategies for teaching students with ADHD/ADD?
Learning Disabilities has been defined by IDEA as the 'catch-all' term for problems manifested in learning situations associated with "listening, thinking, speaking, reading, writing, spelling or mathematical abilities." These manifested difficulties can not otherwise be associated with cultural influences, gaps or holes in knowledge due to insufficient instruction, or social problems. Students may have other handicapping conditions in addition to a learning disability. The definition further clarifies that learning disabilities may be due to nerve damage and may occur over the life of the student.Students with learning disabilities exhibit challenges with academic endeavors early on, but are not usually identified until 2nd or 3rd grade when aptitude-achievement discrepancies are noted. By the way, as of the IDEA Improvement Act of 2004 the student no longer has to have a discrepancy noted between their aptitude and achievement abilities. Students may otherwise seem to be no different than other students in the classroom, but very quickly began to fall behind due to learning difficulties with classroom content that is easily learned by other students. If students are not reading by 3rd grade, this could point to a clear indication of a specific learning disability. It is now popular to administer an RTI or response to intervention such as a reading intervention; if students do not respond favorably to such interventions then they may be recommended for special education services.
Characteristics of students with learning disabilities: As offered by one school district, the following characteristics are most notable. "Although the disability is not a discrete, measurable entity, evidence over the last 25 years indicates it does exist, but is strikingly resistant to educational intervention:" Although the following characteristics are possible for any student from time-to-time, the learning disabled student demonstrates these with regularity over a period of time
often an invisible handicap
performance is uneven or inconsistent and they are often unable to profit from regular instruction
have inefficient strategies for reception, storage and production of information
major difficulty in focusing attention
functional difficulties in visual, auditory, motor, organizational and/or conceptual skills
often behave in immature, narcissistic, and egocentric ways
often find school a frightening experience
may be able to master content but unable to produce answers
not natural problem solvers, can become overwhelmed by the tasks they face
most serious difficulty is often in processing language (as copied from: http://www.slc.sevier.org/ldaccom.htm )
Strategies for Working with Students with Learning Disabilities. The best practices recommended for students with learning disabilities are also useful for any student in the classroom. For example, the strategies of using think alouds, self-monitoring, advance organizers, extended practice, presenting information in a variety of ways (see page 79), and teaching students to use memory strategies all are useful for any classroom learner, although these certainly should be present if students are struggling with learning disabilities.
ADHD/ADD - ADHD/ADD or Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder/attention deficit disorder are both referenced/classified under ADHD although it is traditional that students classified as ADHD exhibit visible hyperactivity syndromes: nervous body movements, excessive talking, inability to focus on one task for a sustained length of time, for example, whereas students with ADD may be seem to be extremely reserved, quiet and in a day dreamy state in the classroom. Students with ADD many times do not visually seem to have issues with attention as they appear to be model students: appear to be listening to the teacher, appear to be paying attention, appear to be reading, appear to be behaving, engaged in the lesson. The discrepancies between what they appear to be doing however manifests when such students have to produce a paper, read a book, follow directions, study for a test, etc. According to the text, as many as 25 to 68% of students with ADHD also are LD (learning disabled). Most students with ADHD have other behavioral issues as well. Do pay close attention to the Twelve Things teens with ADHD want their Teachers to know. The following websites offer more insight into ADD/ADHD.
Twelve Things teens with ADHD want their teachers to know
Attention Deficit Disorder
Famous People documented with ADHD
Strategies for Teaching Students with ADD/ADHD - Teachers work best with students with ADHD when they combine strategies for both behavioral and academic needs. One without the other will not provide the best intervention for such students. Hopefully, such students in your classroom have been properly diagnosed and provided evaluative and IEP services that will give you the general education classroom teacher some specific guidelines for working with students with ADHD. It is important to realize that an IEP is extremely useful in that it should provide specific strategies for eachn identified child. While one student with ADHD may need organizational assistance with reading content text such as highlighting key words or phrases, another student with ADHD may simply need to be 'cued' to transition to the next classroom activity such as a hand on the shoulder or a tap on the student's desk (something worked out between you and the student that is oblivious to others in the classroom). Below are several websites that offer up-to-date tips, strategies.
Strategies for the Older Child with ADHD
Teaching Tips for those working with ADHD Kids
Pragmatically Speaking - How to use this information in the classroom:
Become very familiar with students with learning disabilities and ADHD issues. Especially become familiar with their individidual IEP's seeking the help of the special education teacher or specialist in how to best help students control their behaviors as well as accomplish academic classroom goals.
It is important to know whether or not students with ADHD are being medically treated and when, what times of the day they are taking the medicine.
Document students' behavior in your classroom as much as possible. Set up a folder on your computer for each student and store/save all electronic information pertaining to the student in it; and/or start a paper folder for each student. This type of teacher-observation documentation is very crucial to the IEP process and consultative special education meetings about the exceptional student.
Ongoing documentation of behaviors, needs, academic progress is of utmost to the success of exceptional students in the general education classroom.
This week you're not required to post comments to this blog, but feel free to do so if you so choose. Some of you may have experience or information to offer that may be beneficial to the rest of us. I welcome all of your comments.
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