Thursday, August 19, 2010

Introduce Yourself

Comment to this post with a one-two paragraph introduction of yourself  . Include in the introduction a discussion of your background, family and why you chose to be in the teaching profession.  If you have an experience to share concerning exceptionalities, feel free to share that if you wish.  If you do not have a google account and have not uploaded a photo in that account, then go to, click on Sign In and set up an account, upload a photo in your profile for free.  Once you've done that, come back to this blog and post your introduction; a photo from the google account will automatically show each time you comment to the blog postings. Post by Saturday, August 28, midnight (late after Sunday, August 29, 12:30a).  Looking forward to meeting you!

Dr. Herring


Dr. Jennifer Herring said...

Hello! My name is Jennifer Casandra Herring and I teach education courses here at UIS. I received my Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with a minor in Educational Administration from the University of North Texas. I also hold certifications in Principal Administration, Computer Science and Health Education.

I have taught in both public urban and private school settings in Dallas, Texas. As a result of those experiences and my own personal experience as a gifted education, honors student throughout my schooling, my philosophy of teaching, learning and administration embraces that all students can learn, all students should have the opportunity to learn in the best, appropriate setting for them.

J. Andrew Hite said...

Greetings! My name is John Hite, but you can call me Andrew. I am the husband to a wonderful wife named Stephanie and father of two boys (Owen-4 years old, David-3 weeks old). My current employment is as a substitute teacher, a Target stock room worker, and a worship leader at my church. I love all three!

I began thinking about a career in education when I was graduating from high school ten years ago, but I opted to get into business instead. A few years into college I decided I didn't want to do business, but I finished with a four year degree in Organizational Leadership from Greenville College. Once I started substitute teaching, I realized I wanted to get back into school to be a math teacher, so here I am!

Kacey B said...

My name is Kacey Bohanan and I am 29 years old. I live near the Peoria area. I graduated from Farmington High School in 1999. I then played volleyball and basketball in college and graduated with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration in 2004. I worked as a Pharmaceutical Sales Rep for around 3 years and during that time was married and had my daughter Whitney who is now 4. I have been a stay at home mom now for almost three years to Whitney and Jake, 2. I am also expecting another boy the first week of December. My husband Tyke and I have been married for six years and he does Medical Device Sales. I also had the unexpected pleasure of a children’s book I wrote being published back in January.
I have always had becoming a teacher in the back of my mind and finally decided to go for it. I wanted to do something that made me proud each day and a career that could make a difference in someone’s life. I have learned from experience that making a lot of money isn’t everything. The money was great but not worth anything when you hate what you do. I look forward to becoming a science teacher and hope to teacher junior high.

Tammi said...

Hello, my name is Tammi Bowman. I have two teenage boys, Caleb is 15 and Cody is 13. I also have a Yorkie puppy, Grizzly, who is 9 months old. I love to spend time with my boys, Grizzly and watching my boys play sports. I also enjoy running, being outside in the pool and vacationing.

In July, I retired from the Army as a Chief Warrant Officer 4 after 24 years of service, 20 being active. A few years ago I started thinking about what I wanted to do when I retired and teaching kept coming to mind. I love children and I want to be that teacher who makes an impact on a child. I received my BA from Western Illinois University years ago but I started working on my Elementary Teaching Certificate three semesters ago. I’m planning on getting an endorsement and going to school full time starting in January.

Jeremy S. said...

Hello, I am Jeremy Stabrawa. I live in Carol Stream, IL with my wife of 4 years and our 3 dogs. I have a bachelor's degree from NIU in fine arts and somehow managed to work at a Civil Engineering firm for 6 years. However, I was laid off about 2 years ago and took this opportunity to change careers, which led me to UIS for a Secondary Mathematics Certificate. This is my third semester at UIS and is my last before I begin student teaching!

I realized I wanted to be a teacher quite some time ago, but my previous job and other things always seemed to get in my way. I have always enjoyed helping others with math when the opportunity would arise, and am enthralled with the concept of having a positive impact on students. Plus, the occupation of teaching seems to be a big deal in my family and I simply cannot ignore my fate. My wife is a teacher, both of my parents are teachers, and my sister-in-law is a teacher. I even have a few aunts and uncles involved in teaching.

Rachel said...

Hello! My name is Rachel Merriman. I live in Peoria, IL. I graduated from Bradley University in 2008 with a degree in Health Science. I had no idea what I wanted to do, so I completed a year long internship at Caterpillar, and there I realized that I did not want to sit in an office all day. I have always thought about going into teaching, but it wasn't until I started to substitute teach, that I realized that this is what I wanted to do. I really enjoy sports and I played basketball for four years in college, two a junior college and two at Bradley. My mom is an elementary special education teacher, and my dad is retired. My brother works for Caterpillar and my sister-in-law is a nurse. I have dated my boyfriend for over 6 years, and he is currently getting his Masters in School Counseling and will graduate in May.

Like I previously mentioned, I really started to seriously think about teaching after I began subbing. I really enjoyed interacting with the students and realized how rewarding teaching could be. I have always wanted to help people, I use to think about going into nursing, and I think teaching is definately a great way to fulfill my wanting to help people. The reason I want to teach Math is because I have always loved math, and I enjoy helping people with it. I am very excited to become a teacher, and along with becoming a teacher I hope to coach basketball and soccer.

Nikki Swanson said...
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Nikki Swanson said...

My name is Nicole Swanson, Nikki to most. I currently live in the Springfield area with my boyfriend and our weimaraner, Lucy, but we are in the process of moving to northern Indiana for my boyfriend's work. We should be there for about a year, then hopefully back in northern Illinois, where we both grew up. Moving the same week as the start of the semester has already proven to be "interesting".

I graduated from WIU in 2008 with a BA in English, minor in French and almost immediately wished I had been certified in teaching while there. So here I am at UIS, working on my Secondary English Certification. I hope to someday add French and History, as well.

I want to teach because I strongly believe that giving a young person (or any person) an education is the greatest gift that you give them, and I want to be a part of this exchange. I also feel that my own experience and education have equipped me to educate with passion and effectiveness.

As for personal experience with exceptionalities, I have experience with both ends of the spectrum. I have volunteered (high school) in special education classrooms and I have an uncle that is highly autistic. I also had a brother that was a "trouble maker" in school because he was very intelligent and could not be kept busy. The "challenge program," as my district called the classrooms designed for high learners, saved my little brother and allowed him to learn at a rate in line with his ability. His giftedness and my own positive experiences with gifted/honors classrooms, as well as my volunteer and familial experience with exceptionalities make me a strong proponent of learning in an environment that best suits the learner and allows for each student reach his/her potential.
As I understand it, there is a strong leaning towards inclusion in today's classrooms, which I cannot currently say that I fully support, but I'm excited nonetheless to learn more about it and how I will teach in an inclusive classroom, should my future district practice (any level of) inclusion.

Amanda said...

My name is Amanda Mueller, and I live in Chatham, IL. I graduated from Glenwood High School in Chatham in June 2001. In August 2001 I got married, and in November I had my daughter, Alyssa. She is now 8 and in 3rd grade at Chatham Elementary. I started attending classes at LLCC Spring of 2002 as an Elementary Ed Major, and then switched to Music. I received my AA.Music in 2006, and then took some time off school so my husband could work on his degree. My original plan was to attend MacMurray’s Music Education program (K-12 certification just in Music) but they shut down the program just before I was to go back to school. I finally decided that I couldn’t wait any longer to go back to school or I would never go back, so I am now a Sociology/Anthropology major, Secondary Ed minor, and my plan is to teach social science and get an endorsement in Music. I would also like to receive my Masters in Ethnomusicology.

As far as personal experience, I am currently dealing with both sides of the spectrum. My sister, who lives with me, is 16 and a Jr in high school. She had Tourettes Syndrome, ADHD, OCD, and a rare condition called PANDAS. It doesn't affect her school work as much as it used to (she used to have an IEP) but if she doesn't have just the right conditions it can be hard for her to study. She is however very bright, and in college credit history.

My daughter is 8, and in 4th grade. She is young for her grade, having started school early, and one of only 14 4th graders in the Advanced Literacy Program at her school. So she is in a normal class most of the day, but she spends 1 1/2 hours each day in the advanced reading classroom.

Jennifer Medford said...

Hi y’all. My name is Jennifer Medford and I am seeking a K-9 cert. I have taught in rural Arkansas for 3 years before moving to Rochester (a bedroom community of Springfield). I obtained a degree a few years ago in Music/Theater/Speech Communications from Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, MO. I have also begun a Master’s in Reading at Harding University in Searcy, AR. Prior to seeking a teaching degree, I worked in several different areas of management. My husband, Grant and I have worked with teenagers for many years. We have two daughters named Megan-12 and Meredith-8. I was called into teaching about five years ago. I would like to teach Middle School or Junior High English/Language Arts. I taught 7th and 8th grade regular and Pre-Advanced Placement English/Reading block classes in Arkansas and I loved it. One reason I want to teach again is that I have a love for learning that I believe is infectious. My desire is to teach students to be productive, compassionate citizens who have the tools they need to utilize the technological age we live in to solve real-world problems.

Kacey B said...
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Brenna B. said...

Hi, my name is Brenna Byerly and I am a junior at UIS. I'm from Rochester and I live w/ my mom and three dogs. I'm taking this class because it's required, but also because students with disabilities are the kids who scare me the most about the teaching field. I want to be an effective teacher, for EVERYONE, so I want to make sure I can get along with all of my students. I want to be able to understand them, especially those who need a little extra help.
I guess if you know me, you'd know that I'm really active in my church and more importantly, campus ministry. I love God and I want my life to reflect that, especially in the classroom. I remember when I was younger, I would have schooltime in my grandma's house after school where I would bring over all my stuffed animals and set them up. At the time, I liked the feeling of being in control, but then again, if they talked back to me, I had the power to make them into perfect angels b/c I was their voice. I like being in charge of helping mold a child's future and what they are going to stand for. Knowing that I will have some kind of an effect on peoples lives gets me excited! All I really want to focus on is that that effect is a GOOD one!

Holly said...

Hi everyone! My name is Holly Karner. I recently graduated from McKendree University with a bachelor's in Sociology. I looked for a job within social work, but found nothing. I made the decision to go back to school and get my teaching certificate. I live at home, Minooka, IL with my parents, my older sister, and her three kids. My younger sister goes to SIUEdwardsville, so she just left, and I miss her so much. I love kids, and I get excited when I think about teaching my own classroom. I would eventually like to get my masters in Sociology, but we will see what the future holds. In high school, I was asked to become a peer mentor. I would volunteer a couple hours a week to go to the special education department and help teach the students there their math skills, or spelling words. We also helped them learn out to cook, and do simple household chores. I wasn't able to do it the last couple years of school because of my classes, but I still remember it. It was a nice experience because it put me out of my comfort zone and I felt very appreciated for the help I did. I also liked when I'd walk down the hall, and the kids I'd helped come give me a hug and remember me even after a couple years. It was very rewarding.

Kacey B said...
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Laura Lee said...
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Jessica McGee said...

Hello! My name is Jessica McGee and this is my third semester back in school after graduating from Indiana University more than ten years ago. I've worked in the journalism field since graduation, and I'm now looking to earn my K-9 Teaching Certificate. I admit I'm burned out at my current job. It doesn't fulfill me as it once did and I think teaching will.
I'm currently in the middle of my classroom observation and it has really opened my eyes to the wide spectrum of abilities in each classroom. Having experienced that, I hope this course explores options on how to handle that wide range.

Crystal said...

My name is Crystal Doan. I am a senior here at UIS. My major is history with a minor in Secondary Education. My area of interest is Pre-Columbian Native America. I am a 37 year old pre-k teacher with three children ages 13, 9, and 2. I am also a Girlscout troop leader and volunteer with the American Red Cross in their Service to Armed Forces division and International Law and Humanitarian Law Divisions. This is something I have recently taken on and am looking forward to what I can do for others in this capacity.

I knew I wanted to teach after I had my first child. He has ADHD and is also gifted, which I find is common among ADHD kids. I realized how much I enjoyed watching him accomplish things and knowing I was a part of teaching him how to do this. As I continued doing such things with other peoples children I realized I am a teacher. As much as I enjoy my little ones (students and my own) I find I am also very good with teenagers for some reason and since my first love is history I have decided that the middle/high school is where I am to be.

I am hoping to get a better understanding of how to spot children with other disabilities that need my assistance and how to help me. I am very good at spotting ADD/ADHD from experience, but I admit I have no real knowledge of how to identify other disabilities whose symptoms are less noticable and I am hoping this class will help with that, as well as teach me how to help them more. I am looking forward to discussing topics with all of you and glad to be in Professor Herring's class again. I am a three time student of hers and enjoy her classes.

Tammi said...

Hello, my name is Tammi Bowman. I have two teenage boys, Caleb is 15 and Cody is 13. I also have a Yorkie puppy, Grizzly, who is 9 months old. I love to spend time with my boys, Grizzly and watching my boys play sports. I also enjoy running, being outside in the pool and vacationing.

In July, I retired from the Army as a Chief Warrant Officer 4 after 24 years of service, 20 being active. A few years ago I started thinking about what I wanted to do when I retired and teaching kept coming to mind. I love children and I want to be that teacher who makes an impact on a child. I received my BA from Western Illinois University years ago but I started working on my Elementary Teaching Certificate three semesters ago. I’m planning on getting an endorsement and going to school full time starting in January.

Laura Lee said...

Hello everyone, I am Laura Tortorice. I live in Decatur, IL. with my husband, sixteen year old son, eleven year old daughter, two dogs, two cats, and a partridge in a pear tree (just kidding about the partridge). I also have two adult children, one of which, gave me the most beautiful grandson (1st grandchild) in the world this past March. I am a biology major and also working on my secondary teaching certificate. (love those 20 credit semesters)
I have always had a passion to become a teacher and was given the opportunity after the economic downturn (my job was cut)so here I am. The reason I want to teach is simple. Our children are our future and teaching gives me the chance to be a part of that. If I can help even one student achieve a goal, wow, what an honor.
After raising four children the one thing I know for sure is that every child is exceptional, diverse, and at risk. Every child is unique and by listening to that individual, you can learn amazing things. This is what I will bring to the classroom with me and hopefully, we will learn together.
Looking forward to our conversations and hope you have a great semester. Laura Lee

Jennifer Coghill said...

My name is Jennifer Kandra and while I've called Chicago "home" for the last five years I was born & raised in Grand Rapids, MI. I attended Hope College in Holland, MI and graduated in 2005 with a Bachelors Degree in Psychology. I always knew I wanted to be in a “helping” profession and work with kids. I went back and forth between an Education major and a Psychology major. Somehow, Psychology won. The moment I graduated, I knew I’d someday go back for teaching, and after 5 years in the magazine advertising industry, here I am. This is my first semester at UIS and I’m seeking my teacher certificate in secondary English.

I have one older sister who lives just an elevator ride away. She is getting married in 3 weeks so my summer to date has been full of wedding planning. Our parents still reside in Grand Rapids, MI but visit often. My boyfriend of 3 years is expanding his family company to Arizona so we’ll be heading West come November 1st for the winter. I can’t say I’ll be too sad to leave the cold weather, but will certainly miss my family & friends.

I’m excited for the journey ahead and look forward to taking this class with all of you!

jpatrick said...

I'm Josh Patrick. This is my second year at UIS. I went to Lake Land Community College for my first two years. At first, I wanted to teach P.E., but now have change to a history major and am planning to teach secondary social studies. I've always enjoyed all sports and played basketball and tennis throughout high school. I am presently on the UIS tennis team.

My parents were both social studies teachers and are now retired. My brother is a history and sociology teacher in St. Louis. I've been influenced by my family to enter the teaching profession. My parents loved their jobs and stressed the importance of education. Even after teaching for more than 30 years, they still loved it. That's the kind of profession I want to have. Teaching the social studies can provide so much information to students. These were my favorite classes in school. My social studies teachers kept me interested in school. I want my students to enjoy learning!

Andrew said...
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Andrew said...
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Andrew said...

Seeing as yesterday was my 31st birthday I felt, how I got here is an appropriate title for this introduction. My name is Andrew Crause and this is my second full semester of TEP classes at UIS. I am an Illinois State University graduate with a bachelor’s degree in American Government, more commonly known as Political Science. Even today almost 12 years to the day that I first started classes there I look back on my time at ISU as some of the best times in my life. Back to the recent past, last semester I took 2 political science classes because this University required that I take 2 classes in the subject of my degree. This semester will be the second full semester at UIS in the TEP program.

I have what most would consider a traditional family. I have one sister, Laura, which I'm a year and a half older than and my parents both live in the same house they have since I was in kindergarten. Although I probably wouldn't admit it to her face I'm incredibly proud of my sister and what she's accomplished. He received a hydro-geology Master’s at ISU and has a good job in St. Louis where she frequently travels to Kansas City to check well water. My dad has worked for the State of Illinois since before I was born. He originally worked for Emergency Management but has worked for the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency for about 20 years now. My mom no longer works, but she was a teacher when I was real young and became a nurse when I was about 10. My mom is one of the reasons that I want to be a teacher. When I was younger I would often help her with an autistic child that she taught/took care of at our house. A few separate occasions I was also allowed to help out in a summer school class at Matheny. In schooling of my own I did have a few exceptionalities. I remember as a first grader being taken out of class everyday to see a reading teacher along with about 3 other students. I used to call her a clicker teacher as I would read and she would click a counter everyday I saw the letter T wrong. I had trouble saying T's as a kid. That issue was quickly corrected. The next exceptionality occurred in 7th grade when I was diagnosed with ADHD. I was put on Ritalin but my need for it slowly faded as I grew older. I had pretty much weaned myself off of Ritalin by the time I was in 9th grade.

My original major at ISU was elementary education. I exited the major when I couldn't come up with a reason I wanted to be a teacher other than that I thought I would like it and be good at it. I have an answer for that question now. I want to be a teacher because I love kids and feel that I have a lot to offer as a teacher. I've had good teachers and bad teachers and I know the traits that make up each. I also feel that there is no more responsibility than the responsibility a teacher has when he is teaching young students. Teacher's have the power to either positively or negatively affect a young child’s mindset for life.

Andrew said...
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Shane Maloney said...

My name is Shane Maloney. I’ve been married for almost 2 years now, and we live in Roscoe (northern Illinois). I’m 24, and my wife and I are both huge sports fans. We have been going through a bit of football withdrawal this summer and are excited for it to start up again. Unfortunately, we disagree on teams. While I bleed navy blue and burnt orange, my wife seems to have some fascination with her so-called “America’s Team”, the Cowboys. It’s always interesting when they meet up. We have to watch the game at different places.
I graduated from Illinois State in 2008 with a Finance degree. For almost 3 years I’ve been working in the banking industry. Last year I decided that it was time to bail and go back to my original goal of teaching high school math (luxurious, I know). Anyway, I recently left my job with the bank and accepted a position as a financial aid advisor for a local career college. My new job allows me to combine the finance thing with a little bit of education. I also coach a few tumbling classes at a local gym. My classes have included children between the ages of 4 and 18.
Education was my original major at ISU, but I somehow fell off track with the idea of pursuing careers that made much more money. Chasing money is horrible advice if you dislike your career choice. The intrinsic value of educating is really the motivation for me finally following the teaching path.

Unknown said...

My name is Stephanie (Witt) Ruppert and I live in Witt, IL. Yes you are reading that correctly. That is actually how my husband of nearly two years and I met. I actually grew up on a farm outside of a little town called Lanark, IL and have shown cattle since I was eight years old. It is a hobby and way of life that brought my husband and I together and one that we still are actively involved with. We also have a six month old Australian Shepherd puppy named Cinch (it's a brand of western jeans).

I graduated in 2008 with a bachelors in Animal Science from the U of I in Urbana-Champaign and struggled to find a job in that field that was close enough to the farm. I began substitute teaching and fell in love with teaching. Science is my passion, and I loved teaching in the high school science classrooms. I feel that science is one of those subjects in which it is very critical to have a teacher that is excited about the subject and can relay their passion. Otherwise the subject can be very dry and confusing. I want to bring the life back into the science classroom. I look forward to a great semester!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Greetings! My name is Bekki Sponsler, soon to be Bekki Sponsler Leber after September 25th. I am just starting my first year of the TEP program, but I have been at UIS for the last two years working on finishing up my BA in history, and I graduated from LLCC in 2008 with my associates in the same field.

Teaching was something that found me rather than the other way around. I'm not sure why I resisted it so long, even when everyone around me kept telling me "You would make a great teacher". Finally, two of my favorite LLCC strong armed me into taking the Intro to Ed class, and next thing you know I'm applying to TEP at UIS. I'm not sure what I like most about it. I guess I have always been kind of a performer, and I just really enjoy something about getting up in front of people and speaking. I like that teaching has that appeal of a little showmanship. Also, being a history major, I tend to have a urge to want to fix that awful stereotype that history is boring and just memorizing facts and dates. History is as dynamic as teaching, and the way we perceive or experience an event shapes our views and binds us together. Howard Zinn, the voice of the radical historians, passed away this in the last year, and so now I feel like I have to pass on his message to the next generation that history --especially Am. Hist-- is almost nothing like we learn from the textbooks, and that while we have done some amazing things as a civilization, and as a country, we have also done some amazingly stupid, cruel, and close-minded things! And, that is how history teaches us to learn from our mistakes; by analyzing and discussing our successes and well as our failures.

David Hawkins said...

Hello! My name is David Hawkins. I am originally from Rochester and graduated from Eastern Illinois University. I am currently employed at Wells Fargo. I chose to pursue a career in teaching because I want to be able to guide future generations on into the future. I also look forward to the coaching aspect of becoming a teacher. Coaches played a large role in my development into adulthood and I would like to facilitate that same type of growth in the youth of today and tomorrow.

Sarah Beard said...

Hi My name is Sarah beard. I am a native to Springfield Ilinois. This is my last year as a student at UIS, and I plan to teach junior High Science in the Fall.
I have been married for over four years, and have a three-year-old daughter, Layna. I have worked in business management, but after having my daughter, decided teaching is for me. In addtition to work and school,and my family, I also volunteer as a docent at out local zoo.

blau4 said...

Hello, my name is Brian Lau and I am from Springfield, Illinois. I am 23 years old and currently live with my parents while I finish here at UIS. I recently graduated from Illinois State University with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and am currently pursuing a teaching certificate here at UIS. At ISU, I played the clarinet in ISU’s marching band, the Big Red Marching Machine. Through the band, I met my girlfriend and am about to celebrate our four year anniversary on the 31st. Currently I play the clarinet with the Sangamon Valley Community Orchestra.

brian d. sample said...

Hi, my name is Brian D. Sample. iam thirty-six years old and married to my wife jamie of a year. I currently reside in Taylorville, Illinois. I have been employed by Mid-State Special Education, and work with behavioral/emotionally disturbed children in Taylorville District
#3. I attended college on a baseball scholorship, playing both baseball and basketball. I focussed a little too much on sports the first time, thus lacking the teacher certification.
I am currently pursuing a history degree, with a minor in teacher education.
My father was an administrator for over forty years, as a principal/superintendent. I also have a brother who is employed by Mississippi College, with a Ph.D in Biology. Education has always been in the family, and seems like a natural fit. I actively coach baseball at the Sr. and Jr. high level. I felt like it is time to finish, an will enjoy the challenge.

brian d. sample said...

Sorry, didnt know pic was not up!

Heather Archey said...

Dr. Herring - cut and pasted from my original submission.

2. Submission History
Submission History
Submission ( August 23, 2010 9:19:38 AM CDT )
Submission Materials
Submission Field :

Hello! I am Heather K. Archey. (I use my middle initial, not to be pretentious, but if you were to Google Heather Archey – she’s not me and her posts would definitely end any chance of an interview if a future employer were to Google my name.)

I am a returning student. I have a B.S. in Business and am working toward my Elementary Education Teaching Certificate. To say that my schedule is busy is an understatement, but I'd rather be busy than bored. I have three children 6th, 2nd and 1st grade. The 1st and 2nd graders have Boy Scout meetings each week. The 6th grader is participating in Volleyball this fall; my husband I will be coaching her team again this year. I am taking 12 hours this semester (two are methods courses) and I substitute teach on average 3 to 4 days a week. Subbing has provided me the opportunity to experiment in different grade levels in regular and special education classrooms. If I had to put my top three in order I would teach 6th, 5th or 4th grade. I'm one of those unusual people who prefers teaching in the 6th grade. I don't think that I am cut out to teach Special Education. In the Learning Support classrooms, I am too lenient with their behavior. In the Special Needs classroom, I love working with the kids, but the pace is too slow. I am looking forward to learning more information that I can use currently when I substitute in the Special Education classrooms and in my future career.

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